As many of you may know, my main focus in life is to become a writer. I'm about 2 semesters away from graduating with my bachelor's degree in professional writing with a focus on journalism. Photography is just a little hobby of mine and I never intend on making it my full time career (unless I get to write and take pictures, which would be perfection). Anyways, Writing is my BABY! I write every single night in my journal and I cannot tell you how much I NEED to write. I wanted to share a little bit of the inner workings of me tonight in hopes that I could maybe help someone out who is going through something similar.

A few weeks ago my little sister got into a predicament at school with one of the girls. Just your regular old high school drama, right? Trying to help her out I sat down next to her and listened to what had happened. I told her stuff like, "Just forget about it. Stop obsessing. Stop thinking about it."
Woah there. How could I rightfully tell my sister 15 year old sister to do the things that I, at 21 couldn't even do? How was I to break free from this hate crush? How could I ever settle this extreme forgiveness and unrest in my soul?! I really felt like I was 15 again trying to get over the b!@ch who stole my man.
First things first, I hid the person from my news feed and I forced myself to not look at their page. It feels so stupid as I write this, but it was actually hard. I had to stop obsessing. Then I sat down with my journal and wrote a final letter to this person (that they will never see, of course). I wrote down exactly why I disliked them so much. I wrote down why they hurt me so much. I even allowed myself to shed a few more tears over it.
Then I tore the page out of my journal and tossed it in the trash...
I haven't looked back since.
a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle
with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and
thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.
-Ephesians 4:31-32 (The Message)
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